Our family business

The whole Miller-Mariany family devote themselves with passion and conviction to the agricultural work on their farm. From May 2016 the farm switched to organic. It’s main centers of activity are arable farming, egg laying hens and the breeding of mother cows.
The farm cultivates around 40 ha of arable land on which grow clover grass, spelt, bread wheat, spring sown grain mix and brewing barley. On 70 ha of grassland graze 60 Limousin cows with their calves and 20 ewes with their lambs. 4000 hens fill 2 houses with plenty of life.
In addition to organic products such as eggs, cereal and meat, the family newly produces mustard in all its varieties. The whole production process, from the field, where the mustard is grown, to the processing of the grains, the premashing and the subsequent grinding of the mustard, is on the Miller’s farm. The family also fills the finished product into glasses.

The farm produces, through the love of nature and the excitement of going down new avenues, organic food, which reaches fresh and without detours the table of the consumer.

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